When road traffic management systems are designed, some essential elements must be considered to ensure the safest possible outcome.
The situation will have to be assessed, and the particular combination of control measures decided upon; however, here are some ideas to get you started to ensure all key areas are included in your road traffic management system. Safety should always be at the forefront of every road traffic management system design.
A fundamental aspect of any road traffic management system will include details on how vehicles and pedestrians will be accommodated separately. The less cross-over between the two will increase safety levels significantly.
Measures to ensure separation include:
Focus on safe routes for vehicles to transverse the work site. Your road traffic management system plan should ideally have only one entry and one exit point and have traffic flowing in one direction only. Where bi-directional traffic flow is unavoidable, ensure that the direction of movement is clearly marked in the lanes.
Designs should include sufficient space for vehicles to reverse or turn around where necessary without impinging on pedestrian zones and should be wide and high enough to accommodate the types of vehicles that will be using the site.
To prevent congestion and impede traffic flow, include specifically assigned parking areas for workers, visitors, site vehicles and trucks. These demarcated zones should be positioned away from work areas and busy routes. They should also be placed in such a way as to avoid pedestrian traffic from the parking area needing to cross work sites or other hazardous areas. Include marked pedestrian entrances and exits from the parking areas and use physical barriers where necessary for safety.
Use effective, well-positioned, familiar and sturdy signage to:
Contact ISAV Design for all your road traffic management system designs. Our certified and expert team can produce designs that will detail all pedestrian and vehicular activities while incorporating the aspects of safety, convenience and budget, all in line with current legislation.