As experienced providers of traffic control safety to Waikato and Auckland roads, we are thoroughly accustomed to handling the technology that underpins the safety measures we offer.
It’s not hard to think of traditional means of traffic control, like basic signals and speed limit signs. However, these days, traffic can also be redirected much more dynamically — such as with the use of…
Smartphone Blocking Technology
There are now apps that, when installed on smartphones, prevent their owners from being able to use them for calls and texts at the same time as driving. Some apps are even capable of tracking the vehicle’s driving speed so that the driver can more easily discern when they should slow down.
Advanced Camera Technology
If particular roads appear to have become hotspots for accidents, why is this the case? Data analysts can help themselves to find out by referring to footage from cameras installed to capture activity on that road. Audiovisual evidence of problems with the road can inform subsequent development of safety solutions.
5G Connectivity
This sophisticated standard of cellular connectivity can aid drivers in ensuring that they especially quickly receive live alerts of new or emerging threats to the safety of nearby roads.
In this way, a driver can be promptly warned when roadworks or weather conditions are making a specific route particularly time-consuming to take. The driver could then decide on an appropriate response, like taking an alternative route where such issues aren’t present.
Optimal/Adaptive Signal Control
Almost all drivers are likely to have at least a general idea of how long they usually need to wait for a particular traffic signal to change. Now, though, it is possible for ‘optimal’ or ‘adaptive’ signal controls to be implemented, allowing signal timing to be altered in reaction to shifts detected in traffic patterns.
For example, pedestrians could be given more time to cross the road when the number of vehicles using it is relatively low. Similarly, when an emergency vehicle is approaching the signal, the system could pick up on this in advance and prioritise permitting the vehicle’s passage.
While other technologies — like automation and artificial intelligence (AI) — have the potential to revolutionise road safety strategies, we can already provide various reliable solutions in traffic control safety in Waikato and Auckland. It’s easy to enquire by email via